
“All Over The Place”

Studio shooting & Outside:Digital Photography
Canon 5Dmk2 & 3
Phase One P65+
Mamiya RZ67 Pro2

– Google「B面」検索結果より –




“A flip-side of records and cassettes.
     Or songs recorded on that side.”

-From a search result of “B-side” on Google

When songs on a B-side are good, you can tell that the band is good. That is one of the things I can say with certainty from my musical experiences. I may even prefer records that put together all the B-side songs.

Looking back, I have created a lot of works. I have put together some here that I think are good and are not part of any projects. Some are imitations of other works and others are shot on location or shot using natural light. Some are even made from test shots that I had no intention of making into a real work. There was no “intention” behind these shots. Still, these photographs give off certain sense of presence and are more appropriate to call my work than the ones I created with intentions, which is interesting.

I leave my works to sit for a while. After a while, they are finally ready to be shown. It’s just that I’m lazy, but sometimes it takes time to realize something important about a piece of art.